Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mim's Fruit Tea

When I was growing up, my grandparents, Mimmy and Pop, had a back fridge in their utility room stocked with any kind of coke you could think of and my Mimmy's famous fruit tea. Since my parent's never really kept anything other than water and milk in our house, it was always a special treat when visiting them. Of course, the fruit tea was always my favorite. I recently co-hosted a bridal shower for one of my best friends, and I knew I had to get the recipe for the shower. This recipe is too delicious not to share, and it will be a perfect addition to your fridge during these hot, humid summer months!

Mim's Fruit Tea
Makes 2 gallons

6 Lipton regular tea bags
handful of fresh mint
2 cups sugar
1 12oz can lemonade concentrate
1 12oz can limeade concentrate

Fill a medium saucepan with water. The amount of water does not matter to brew the tea. Add tea bags and mint to the water and place on the stove on medium heat. You want to brew the tea until the water is about to boil, around 15 minutes. Discard the mint and tea bags. While the water is still hot, add two cups of sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the lemonade and limeade. Split the tea into two one gallon jugs and fill the jugs with cold water. The tea is best if you make it 1-2 days before serving. Enjoy!