Monday, June 24, 2013

California Dreaming

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Hooray for vacations! In a couple weeks I will be going to California, and I can't wait. I will definitely be ready to leave the hot and humid south for the amazing California weather I have been hearing about. Here are a few things I'd love to pack in my suitcase.   

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Peach Season

Peach crisp is something my family makes every summer. This family recipe started out as an apple crisp recipe from my great great grandmother, but when I was growing up, my mom started making this recipe using peaches instead of apples. The peaches and the streusel topping are the perfect combination for a summer dessert. I recommend serving warm with vanilla bean ice cream. You might even lick the bowl, trust me.

Peach Crisp
2 cups fresh peaches (I used about 12 small to medium size peaches)
3 tablespoons flour
⅓ cup sugar
½-1 teaspoon cinnamon depending on how much you like

Mix together and place in a 9x13 pan sprayed with non-stick spray.

2 cups oats
1 cup sugar
½ cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons butter

Mix throughly. Press over the peaches. Bake 30-45 minutes at 350 degrees until the topping is golden. Enjoy with vanilla bean ice cream!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Now Open!

For the past couple of months, I have been making invitations and posters for friends and family.
I decided I could open a shop with some of the things I had made,
so I finally sat down one afternoon and opened my Etsy shop.

I am so happy Sweet Tea & Sparkles is now open!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Back Again

Where have I been??
These past couple of months have been filled with weekend trips, 
working on new projects (more info soon!), and enjoying the warm summer weather. 
I got to spend a weekend in Knoxville visiting friends 
My first NBA game visiting one of my closest friends in Memphis
The newest addition to the family!
 The beautiful streets of German Village in Columbus
Home sweet home