Wednesday, March 27, 2013

DIY Polka Dot Vase Inspired by Kate Spade

I am a sucker for polka dots, so when I saw this Kate Spade 'larabee dot' vase at Nordstrom I was in love. I have been wanting to try glass etching, so I thought I would try making my own. I had originally planned to use contact paper as the stencil, but I found this tutorial on A Beautiful Mess using reinforcement tabs. GENIUS!  
Clear vase (I got mine for $5.99 at T.J. Maxx)
Glass etching Cream
Reinforcement tabs 
Paint brush

How To:
1. Clean the vase with soap and water to remove any fingerprints or smudges.
2. Place the reinforcement tabs around the vase. Make sure there aren't any bubbles for the etching cream to seep under.
3. Glass etching cream is pretty corrosive so wear gloves! Apply a thick layer of cream inside the tabs. Allow the cream to set for 30 minutes or as long as the directions indicate. 
4. Rinse the vase under warm water to remove the cream and tabs. 
5. Admire the beautiful etching!

1 comment:

  1. So. Freaking. Cute. I wish I could move to Nashville so that you could include me in all of these projects/cooking adventures!
