Friday, March 8, 2013

Loving Coconut Oil.

A few weeks ago, I started to hear a lot about coconut oil and how many different uses it has. People were raving about how great it is, so I broke down and bought a jar at Trader Joe's. Can I just say that it is AMAZING! I originally started using it as a body moisturizer after I got out of the shower. It leaves my skin feeling super soft and moisturized, especially during these dry, winter months. It does have a coconut scent but it isn't too overpowering. I personally, really like the smell. 
After a couple weeks of using it after the shower, I decided to start using it as my nighttime facial moisturizer. I was skeptical at first because I thought it might clog my pores. Boy, was I wrong! I have never had issues with acne, but I typically have a small break out once or twice a month. Since I have been using it at night, I haven't broken out and my skin is noticeably healthier. I have even noticed my makeup has been applying more even on my skin. I would definitely recommend trying it on your skin! It is also a great eye makeup remover for those had to remove mascaras and eye liners.

Now I want to start cooking with coconut oil and using it in my hair (I have once or twice, but not enough to see a difference). Let me know if you have tried coconut oil and how you use it!

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